FFC Futures 2 applications open!

March 21st, 2014

FFC Futures 2 applications open!

Final Fight Championship organization specialized in combat sports imposed itself last year as one of the leading combat sports organizations in Europe and launched series of "Future" events that will provide young and upcoming fighters a chance to become part of the elite combat sports scene. 

Fighters are to submit online applications through Final Fight website exclusively!

Reactions following the first event were extremely positive, the matches delighted the audience in Opatija and fighters and coaches who participated at FFC Futures 1 did not hide their delight either. Application process for FFC2 started on Tuesday, March 20.

FFC Futures 2 will be held in Opatija, May 3. MMA and K-1 fighters interested to participate are welcome to apply. The applications are open until April 5.

Quarter final fights will start at 9AM, semi-final fights at 2PM. The finalists will compete in the main part of the event that is scheduled to start at 8PM and is to be broadcasted live all around the world. Some of the UFC's biggest starts will headline the event in super-fights.

Quarterfinal and semi-final MMA fights will be 1 round at 5 minutes a round, while the matches in the finals will be 2 rounds at 5 minutes without protective gear. Categories: -70, -77 , -84 , -93 and +93 kg.

Quarterfinal and semi-final K-1 fights will be 2 rounds at 2 minutes a round with shin guards, while the matches in the finals will be 3 rounds at 2 minutes without protective gear. Categories: -70, -77, -85, -91 and +91 kg.

FFC will cover accommodation expenses for all the fighters and their coaches and each fighter will receive a financial reward in accordance with the result. The winners of all the tournaments will have a secured match at grand FFC event that will take place in Zagreb at the end of the year.

Along with the application for FFC Futures 2, all fighters must submit video material (footage of matches, sparring, training…), which is preferably posted on Youtube. All the fighters who fought at least 10 professional matches have right to apply, regardless of their nationality. Fighters who fought at FFC Futures 1 and did not win the tournament in their category, also have right to reapply.

FFC Futures 2 application deadline is April 5. FFC management is to make a selection and publish the names of the fighters who will fight at FFC Futures 2 in Opatija on April 10. For all the additional information feel free to contact us at zoran.zdelar@fightchannel.hr.

The applications are to be submitted online only through Final Fight website.